рассерженый дельфин ([info]bahareva) пишет в [info]kitchen_nax
@ 2009-10-21 11:28:00

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Метки данной записи: Английская кухня, Десерт, Начинки, Сухофрукты

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На тридцать первом году жизни узнала о существовании блюда под названием mincemeat. В современных рецептах, как можно судить по гуглю, мясо из него изгнали, но это мне не очень интересно, а классические рецепты меня зачаровали. Скажите мне, это вкусно? Вы готовите? Я хочу попробовать, но боюсь, развейте мои сомнения.
апдейт: в общем, должно быть вкусным, буду делать, о проделанном отчитаюсь.

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Re: (перечитав ещё раз пять)
2009-10-21 10:11 pm (local) (ссылка) Отслеживать
Farley John. The London art of cookery. London, 1784.

Mince Pie.
Take a neat's tongue, and boil it two hours; then skin it, and chop it as small as possible. Chop very small three pounds of beef suet, the same quantity of good baking apples, four pounds of currants clean washed, picked, and well dried before the fire, a pound of jar raisins stoned and chopped small, and a pound of powder sugar. Mix them all together with half an ounce of mace, the same quantity of grated nutmeg, a quarter of an ounce of cloves, the same quantity of cinnamon, and a pint of French brandy. Make a rich puff-paste, and as you fill up the pie, put in a little candied citron and orange cut in little pieces. Put close down in a pot what mince-meat you have to spare, and cover it up; but never put any citron or orange to it till you use it.
Or you may make your pie in this manner, which is by some considered as the best way. Shred three pounds of suet very fine, and chopped as small as possible. Take two pounds of raisins stoned, and chopped as fine as possible; two pounds of currants nicely picked, washed, rubbed, and dried at the fire; half a hundred of fine pippins, pared, cored, and chopped small; half a pound of fine sugar pounded fine; a quarter of an ounce of mace, the same quantity of cloves, and two large nutmegs, all beat fine. Put all together into a great pan, and mix them well together with half a pint of brandy, and the same quantity of sack. Put it close down into a stone pan, and it will keep good for months. When you make your pies, take a little dish, something bigger that a soup-plate, and lay a very thin crust all over it; then lay a thin layer of meat, and then a thin layer of citron, cut very thin; then a layer of mince-meat, and a layer of orange-peel cut thin. Put over that a little mince-meat, and squeeze in the juice of half a fine Seville orange or lemon. Then lay on your crust, and bake it nicely. These pies eat very well when cold; and if you make them a little patties, mix your meat and sweatmeats accordingly. If you choose to have meat in your pies, you may take two pounds of the inside of a sirloin of beef boiled, chopped as fine as possible, and mixed with the rest; or you may parboil a neat's tongue, and treat it as above directed.

Я ещё десятка два книг просмотрел, ничего кардинально отличающегося. Вот теперь ты всё приготовишь правильно.

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