KOLLEGA ([info]_kollega_) пишет в [info]kitchen_nax
@ 2006-02-17 14:58:00

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Метки данной записи: Индийская кухня, Молочнокислые продукты, Обсуждения, Посоветоваться, Рис

обуревший и ряженый рис
я, вообще, товарищи, серая. (оглядывает себя) Серая я, товарищи. И в индийской кухне совершенно не волоку. Так что, если мне кто скажет, что индусы реально варят рис в сывородке и посыпают его гарам-масалой, то я поверю безоговорочно. Только скажите, а то у меня основы мирозданья зашатались слегка. Я тут рецепт прочитала. Два дня от изумления опомниться не могла, все свои кулинарные книги излазила...

Короче: если взять сковородку на которой тушилось мясо, всыпать туда стакан бурого риса, добавить ряженки, посыпать гарам-масалой и тушить один час. (*шепотом*) ведь гадость будет, да? нет? 8(

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2006-02-17 11:13 pm (local) (ссылка) Отслеживать
Китайские иммигранты в Таиланде, утверждает Kasma Loha-unchit

"In fact, its name literally means "Thai-style stir-fried noodles," and for a dish to be so named in its own country clearly suggests an origin that isn't Thai. Indeed, noodle cookery in most Southeast Asian countries was introduced by the wave of immigrants from southern China settling in the region the past century. They brought with them rice noodles and their ways of cooking them. During the recession following World War II, the post-war government of Field Marshall Pibul, desperate in its efforts to revive the Thai economy, looked for ways to stem the massive tide of unemployment. Among the occupations the government aggressively promoted to give the populace a way to earn a living was the production of rice noodles and the operation of noodle shops. Detailed instructions on how to make the noodles and recipes were printed and distributed all around the country. From these efforts, rice noodles became firmly rooted in the country and have since become a widespread staple food.

The ethnic Chinese had good business sense, survival skills and entrepreneurial spirit. Seeing how the Thai people were very fond of the combination of hot, sour, sweet and salty flavors, they added these to their stir-fried noodle dishes and gave it a fusion name, much like Western chefs today are naming their dishes Thai this or Thai that on their East-West menus."

А вообще, хрен знает:))

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