mtpna ([info]ex_mtpna164) пишет в [info]kitchen_nax
@ 2007-01-16 21:05:00

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Цыплёнок с луком
...Этот рецепт заимствован из оригинального варианта ХIХ века, принадлежащего французскому кулинару Луи Эсташ ЮД..." -- "Птица", ХК, стр. 104. Название на языке оригинала отсутствует, интернет в этом смысле помог мало. может, есть у кого издание на английском языке, посмотрите пожалуйста -- как этот рецепт там называется?

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Вот тебе оригинал
2007-01-16 08:54 pm (local) (ссылка) Отслеживать
Roast Chicken with Onions

This recipe has been adapted from a 19th Century original version by the French chef Louis Eustache Ude. An easy way to flavor a chicken under the skin, as called for here., is demonstrated on page 46.

2.5 to 3 lb chicken
salt and pepper
1 medium sized onion, thinly sliced
0.5 cup butter, softened
chicken stock (optional)

Season the inside of the chicken with salt and pepper. With your fingers carefully loosen the skin over the breast meat, poking down toward the legs as far as you can go without tearing the skin. Insert the onion slices under the loosened skin so they form a layer between it and the flesh. With wooden picks, fasten down any loose ends of skin to keep the onion snugly lodged as the chicken roasts.
Before placing the chicken in the preheated oven, 375F (190C) spread the softened butter over the skin that covers the onion. Salt and pepper the entire bird to taste. Place it in a shallow earthenware dish or opened roasting pan, and do not give the chicken another thought for 45 minutes. Then baste it with the fat and juices that have collected in the pan. Repeat the basting process twice, and roast the bird a total of 1.5 hours.
Serve the chicken hot out of the oven, as soon as possible, to savor the crackling golden skin with the slices tender slices of onion oozing juice underneath. (Add a small quantities of boiling chicken stock to the pan juices if more sauce is wanted.)
Fro an an accomplishment, parboil potato balls for 2 minutes. Drain well, then sprinkle them with paprika and roast them along with the chicken, basting the potato balls at the same time you attend your chicken.

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