E-951 (Е-951) Аспартам. *
"Aspartame is, by far, the most dangerous substance on the market that is added to foods.
http://www.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/618155 12!.pdf
(эффект домино запущен)
Remove aspartame ... from food."
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Описание группы: Антифламинги, глазирующие агенты
добавки с индексом (E-900 - E-999) предотвращают образование пены, помогают достичь однородной консистенции продуктов;
подслащивающие средства от E950 до E969 + E420 + E421
Life-Span Exposure to Low Doses of Aspartame... we demonstrated for the first time that aspartame (APM) is a multipotent carcinogenic agent...
The results of this carcinogenicity bioassay confirm and reinforce the first experimental demonstration of APM's multipotential carcinogenicity at a dose level close to the acceptable daily intake for humans. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that when life-span exposure to APM begins during fetal life, its carcinogenic effects are increased. ...
The full version of this article
"Life-Span Exposure to Low Doses of Aspartame Beginning during Prenatal Life Increases Cancer Effects in Rats"
We studied groups of 70–95 male and female Sprague-Dawley rats administered APM (2,000, 400, or 0 ppm) with feed from the 12th day of fetal life until natural death."
The results of this carcinogenicity bioassay
confirm and reinforce the first experimental demonstration of APM’s multipotential carcinogenicity at a dose level close to the acceptable daily intake for humans. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that when life-span exposure to APM begins during fetal life, its carcinogenic effects are increased."
http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articl erender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=1964906
Symptoms attribuited to ASPARTAME in complaints submitted to the FDA
"I did my aspartame experiment because my family was addicted to diet soda. After researching the effects of aspartame, I strongly believed the artificial sweetener might one day lead to their illness and even early death. "
по ссылке материалы и фото животных поражённых раковыми опухлями от аспартама:
http://www.myaspartameexperiment.co m/
Watch Aspartame - Sweet Misery in Educational | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Аспартам используют для подслащивания различных продуктов, напитков и в качестве столового подсластителя. В настоящее время его применяют в следующих широко известных продуктах:
- газированные напитки
- соки
- пудинги, наполнители для тортов, желе
- десерты и подливки
- столовые подсластители (таблетки и порошки)
- жевательные резинки
- фруктовые соки
- пастила
- йогурты
- замороженные десерты, джемы,мармелады
- фармацевтика
- завтраки из зерновых
- кондитерские изделия
- сухие напитки
Аспартам является самой хорошо изученной пищевой добавкой, используемой в пищевых продуктах. Аспартам безопасен для здоровья и одобрен для употребления в пищу диабетикам, беременным женщинам, кормящим матерям и детям.
Аспартам был изучен и объявлен безопасным Европейской комиссией по продуктам питания (SCF), Объединенной экспертной комиссией по пищевым добавкам(JECFA)
Всемирной организации здравоохранения(WHO), Управлением по контролю за пищевыми продуктами и лекарствами в США(FDA), а также многими контролирующими организациями в более чем 90 стран мира, включая Россию.
Состояние: Аспартам широко применяется в странах Восточной и Западной Европы, в США, Канаде, Ю.Америке, Астралии и Японии.
Допустимая дневная доза: Допустимая дневная доза (ADI) для аспартама была установлена в 40 мг на килограмм веса тела человека (JECFA). "
" Is aspartame safe?
Yes. ..."
"Аспартам продается под американской торговой маркой NutraSweet, на российском рынке его можно встретить под марками Miwon (Южная Корея), Enzimologa (Мексика), Ajinomoto (Япония) и др. В композиции с сахарозой, цикламатом и сахарином производится в России под маркой "аспамикс" со степенью сладости в 100, 200 и 350 раз. Аспартам занимает около 23 % мирового объема производства искусственных подсластителей и применяется при производстве более чем 5000 наименований продуктов и напитков." ...
. Проведенные независимые исследования ... показали негативное воздействие длительного использования аспартама на организм человека и животных. ...Подавляющее большинство независимых экспертов подтверждают, что длительное использование аспартама, ... может вызывать головную боль, мигрень, звон в ушах, аллергию, депрессию, бессонницу, а у животных даже рак мозга.
Употребление аспартама людьми, страдающими повышенным весом, как бы с целью похудания ввиду низкокалорийности аспартама может привести к обратному эффекту и еще бoльшему набору массы тела в последующем."
"заменитель сахара в таблетках, изготовленный на современных безопасных подсластителях (сукралоза, лактоза, цикламат, аспартам, сахаринат натрия)"
http://www.sladis.ru/sladis/dictionary_ term/word_4.html
L'aspartame è un ingrediente delle bevande Coca-Cola a basso o ridotto contenuto calorico?
Negli alimenti e bevande "Light" o "senza zucchero" generalmente si usano uno o più edulcoranti per ottenere il loro sapore dolce.
Aspartame, acesulfame K e ciclammato di sodio sono alcuni degli edulcoranti più noti e quelli più usati nei nostri prodotti Light o Zero. ...
"Is aspartame safe?
The safety ... has been established ..."
http://questions.coca-cola.com/NSREExte nded.asp?WhatUserSaid=Is+aspartame+safe%3 F
"How is Diet Coke sweetened?"
"In the United States,
Diet Coke in bottles and cans is sweetened with aspartame. In fountain form, it is sweetened with a blend of saccharin and aspartame."
http://questions.coca-cola.com/NSREExte nded.asp?WhatUserSaid=How+is+Diet+Coke+s weetened%3F
"Myth: Aspartame causes cancer
Aspartame was first approved by the FDA in 1981. Since that time, it has undergone hundreds of studies for safety. All of them point to the same conclusion: Aspartame is safe for consumers. There is no sound scientific evidence that is accepted by food safety authorities linking aspartame, or other low-calorie sweeteners, to cancer in humans.
When aspartame was first approved, the FDA commissioner said, ''Few compounds have withstood such detailed testing and repeated, close scrutiny, and the process through which aspartame has gone should provide the public with additional confidence of its safety.''"
http://www.thecoca-colacompany.com/ourc ompany/hal_sweeteners_myths.html#
Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc.
108 Herrera Street, Legaspi Village
Makati City
Tel: 63/2/8406888
"... Some critics claim that aspartame's breakdown components (aspartic acid, phenylalanine, methanol) could have harmful effects. However, those claims are unfounded. ..."
http://www.aboutaspartame.com/professio nal/safety.asp
"... The safety of Aspartame has been thoroughly proven by the United Nations' JECFA, the FDA in the United States, the European Union Scientific Committee for Food (SCF) and the Welfare Ministry (at present Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) of Japan. ...
Based on the results of these tests and the reviews by experts, and evaluation was done to determine whether Aspartame is safe in an actual diet.
The safety of Aspartame was proven for all of
these aspects in the tests."
http://www.ajinomoto.com.hk/aboutAP.a sp
"SLIM UP SUGAR is made up of 99% NATURAL SUGAR coated with ASPARTAME..."
http://www.ajinomoto.com.hk/product_swe et.asp
Three of
the six advised against approval. The FDA commissioner approved aspartame
for its proposed uses, citing a study to support that fact. The study, by
the was, was conducted by Ajinomoto, the Japanese manufacturer of
aspartame. ...
By early 1994, the federal government reported 6,888 complaints
concerning the adverse effects of aspartame. As a matter of fact,
aspartame accounted for 75 percent of all complaints in the Adverse
Reaction Monitoring System.
Hardly a counter-placebo effect, Dr. Moser. how much did they pay
you for that psychological cow-chip?
NutraSweet adverse reactions suggested this was a strong neurotoxin.
Some of these symptoms are: aggressive behavior, disorientation;
hyperactivity; numbness of the extremities; excitability; memory loss;
visual impairments and loss of depth perception; liver dysfunction;
seizures; tumors; severe mood swings; and major neurological degeneration.
If we carefully scrutinize Dr. Moser's letter, we can see that he
clearly name-calls those people who have spoken out against aspartame, yet
cannot offer any evidence or rationale to support the product itself.
A. Michael Evangelisia
Consultant, F.D.A. Regulatory Affairs
http://www.presidiotex.com/aspartame/Fa cts/Aspartame_and_the_FDA/aspartame_and_ the_fda.html
Содержит аспартам:
http://www.gethalls.com/halls_sugarfree _df.aspx
"Government action and voluntary withdrawals
In 1997, The UK government introduced a new regulation obliging food makers who use sweeteners to state clearly next to the name of their product the phrase "with sweeteners".[29]
In 2007, the Indonesian government considered banning Aspartame.[30] In the Philippines, the small political party Alliance for Rural Concerns introduced House Bill 4747 in 2008 with the aim of having aspartame banned from the food supply.[31] The US state of New Mexico introduced a bill to ban aspartame in 2007,[32][33][34] and Hawaiian legislators signed a 2009 resolution asking the FDA to rescind approval.[35] In March 2009, the California OEHHA identified aspartame as a chemical for consultation by its Carcinogen Identification Committee, in accordance with California state Proposition 65.[36]
In 2007, the UK supermarket chains Sainsbury's,[37] M&S,[38] and Wal-Mart subsidiary Asda,[39] announced that they would no longer use aspartame in their own label products.[40] In April 2009, Ajinomoto Sweetners Europe, the makers of Aspartame in Europe, responded to Asda's 'no nasties' campaign by filing a complaint of malicious falsehood against Asda in the English courts[41][42]
Venezuela banned CokeZero on the grounds that it was a danger to health [43]"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspartame_ controversy
Key words: artificial sweeteners, aspartame, carcinogenicity, lymphomas/leukemias, mammary cancers, prenatal exposure, 阿斯巴甜.
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