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@ 2008-10-30 16:49:00

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Allium tuberosum, 韭菜 jiǔcài, 부추
Allium tuberosum - Schnittknoblauch, лук ветвистый (A. ramosum), 是韭菜呀, лук душистый, лук клубневой, лук туберозный

Contemporary Standard Chinese Dictionary
韭菜 [jiǔcài]
1. 1. 名 多年生草本植物,叶子细长扁平而柔软,开白色小花。叶、花、茎可以食用,种子可以做药 材。

Лук ветвистый
Горный чеснок
Лук душистый
Полевой чеснок

Allium tuberosum Rottl. ex Spreng.

SYNONYM(S) : Allium argyi H. Léveillé, Allium chinense Maxim., non G. Don, Allium clarkei J. D. Hooker, Allium odorum auct. non L., Allium uliginosum G. Don non Ledeb., Allium roxburghii Kunth., Allium angulosum Lour. non L.?, Allium senescens Miq. non L., Allium tuberosum Roxb., Allium yesoense Nakai

CHINESE : 韭 Jiu, 韭菜 Jiu cai, Jiu huang (Blanched leaves), 韭菜花 Jiu cai hua (Garlic chives flower), Chiu ts'ai (Taiwan).
DANISH : Kinesisk purløg.
DUTCH : Chinese bieslook, Knoflookbieslook.
ENGLISH : Oriental garlic, Chinese onion, Garlic chives, Chinese chives, Chinese leek, Scallion.
FINNISH : Kiinansipuli, Kiinanruohosipuli.
FRENCH : Ail tubéreux, Ciboule de Chine, Ciboulette ail, Ciboulette chinoise, Civette de Chine à feuilles plates.
GERMAN : Chinesische Chives, Chinesischer Schnittlauch, Knoblauchchives, Orientalischer Knoblauch, Schnittknoblauch.
JAPANESE : ニラ Nira, 韮 Nira, 花韮.
KHMER : Kachaay.
KOREAN : 부추 Bu pu.
MALAY : Bawang kucai, Kucai (Indonesia), Kuchai.
POLISH : Czosnek bulwiasty.
SPANISH : Cive chino.
TAGALOG : Kutsay.
THAI : กุยช่าย Kui chaai, กุยช่ายจีน Kui chaai chin, Hom paen.
VISAYAN : Ganda.
http://www.plantnames.unimelb.edu.au/So rting/Allium.html#tuberosum

Allium odorum L.
SYNONYM(S) : "Allium odoratum L.", "Allium tartaricum L.", "Allium ramosum L.".
CHINESE : Jiu cai hua, Nian hua, Nian hua jiu cai, (Nìhn fà gáu choi, Nin fa kau ts'oi - Hong Kong).
ENGLISH : Fragrant-flowered garlic, Flowering garlic chives, Flowering leek, Flowering stem chives.
GERMAN : Ausdauernder Lauch, Schnittporree.
RUSSIAN : Лук душистый Luk dushistyi (Luk dušistyj).
VIETNAMESE : Hẹ, Rau hẹ.
Listed by some authors as a synonym of Allium tuberosum Rottl.ex K.Spreng. others think Allium odorum auct., non L. ought to be the correct authority for the synonym, not Allium odorum L.
http://www.plantnames.unimelb.edu.au/So rting/Allium.html#tuberosum

http://www.plantarium.ru/page/view/i tem/2140.html

http://www.agroatlas.spb.ru/ru/cont ent/related/Allium_ramosum/map/
http://www.agroatlas.spb.ru/ru/cont ent/related/Allium_ramosum/

http://www.kashtan.by.ru/enc/lukov/alli um_o.html
http://www.arsvest.ru/archive/issue 469/garden/view843.html
http://sorta.h12.ru/c-onion-dush.ht ml
http://nauka.relis.ru/47/0410/47410 130.htm
http://ib.komisc.ru/add/old/t/ru/i r/vt/02-58/01.html
http://www.vniissok.ru/structura/luk.sh tml

http://allherbals.blogspot.com/2008/0 6/garlic-chives-chinese-chives-chinese.h tml
http://www.henriettesherbal.com/pla nts/allium-tuberosum
http://www.flickr.com/photos/6205/10729 5167/

Allium schoenoprasum L. 北葱, 细香葱, 細香蔥, 小葱 - Schnittlauch, Лук скорода, A. sibiricum (лук-резанец, шнитт-лук)

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Allium tuberosum, syn. A. odorum
2008-10-30 08:37 pm (local) (ссылка) Отслеживать
Chinese chives (Allium tuberosum Rottler ex Sprengel, syn. A. odorum).
Chinese chives have a long history of cultivation for culinary and medicinal use. Three horticultural products are derived from Allium tuberosum: the green (Fig. 6) and blanched leaves and the closed flower buds. In addition, the bulbs may be harvested and used like garlic. The common name Chinese chives is most often used for A. tuberosum, but it is also called oriental garlic, Chinese leek, garlic chives, or flowering leek. All parts of the plant have a mild garlic flavor, and like common chives, Chinese chives are mainly used as a fresh culinary herb (Larkcom 1991).

Chinese chives is a perennial plant 30 to 45 cm in height that grows in a clump of 4 to 10 bulbs, each producing 4 to 5 thin flat leaves. Chinese chives is a cool season vegetable which flowers in the hot summer months. The plants live for many years, developing large spreading rhizomes. Chinese chives are usually divided into leafy and flowering types, although most current cultivars are dual purpose. They tolerate a wide range of climates and soils.

As a commercial crop they are grown in beds as a semi-permanent crop for 4 to 5 years, and are intercropped with quick growing leafy greens. Limited harvesting is done during the first year's growth so that reserves build up in the roots. Blanching, or growing the chives in the dark produces a higher value product with soft, yellow leaves and a more subtle garlic flavor. Typically, a green chive production cycle is alternated with a blanched chive production cycle under favorable growing conditions. Under slower growing conditions, only one or two cuttings of blanched chives per year will be taken as it weakens the plant. After harvesting green leaves, resprouting plants are covered with clay pots, or commercially, with plastic films, straw mulches or earth.

Green chives are be stored at least two weeks at low temperatures (Zong and Cantwell unpubl.). Blanched chinese chives are higher respiring and more perishable than the green leaves, and shelf-life is <5 days. Both green and blanched chives are packed in waxed boxes containing 5 to 10 kilos of product. They may be vacuum-cooled, air-cooled or ice-cooled. A paper liner used inside the boxes may result in heat build up, expecially if the product has not been precooled and the box has little venting. Flower buds are bunched and banded and shipped vertically in single layer trays or packed horizontally in boxes used for the leaves.
http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/proc eedings1996/v3-488.html#Chinese%20chives

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