mad_crab (![]() ![]() @ 2008-11-01 09:21:00 |
Метки данной записи: | Бобовые, Консервы/Бульонные кубики, Мясо |
Cassoulet- прекрасное
Только, пожалуйста, не редактируйте это так сразу!
"Cassoulet is also sold in Russia as a commercial product in cans and can be found in supermarkets and grocery stores across the country. These cassoulets vary in price and quality. The cheapest ones contain only beans, tomato sauce, sausages, and bacon — duck and goose are expensive and thus are absent from such preparations. More expensive versions are likely to be cooked with goose fat and to include Toulouse sausages, lamb, goose, or duck confit. In portions of Eastern Europe, the dish is traditionally made to eat an old, useful farm animal that has been put down (milk cow, horse). The slow cooking tenderizes the meat and it is a sign of respect for the service of the animal to eat it in this fashion."
Нет, википудия- это наше всё.
Это у меня такой отрыв от действительности или по всей России изработавшихся лошадей и издоившихся коров закатывают в банки с фасолью и сосисками в знак глубочайшего к ним уважения?
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